Sharon Resch

(*1951), USA

Support culture and art

Sharon Resch was born in 1951 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She grew up in a very poor neighbourhood, surrounded by people in need. Later, she went on to study mathematics at Illinois Institute of Technology while simultaneously attending dance classes. Dance became her lifelong passion. After dancing in Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles, she and her husband settled in Green Bay, where she supports Pamiro Opera, which she also led for several years. Her foundation organizes the Czech/Slovak International Vocal Competition, which awards prizes of $10,000. She taught dance at the Academy of Music and Dance in Banská Bystrica for two years. During her stay in Slovakia, she got the chance to visit children living in difficult conditions in Roma villages and took an active interest in the problems they face. Sharon’s charitable and philanthropic work covers a broad scope.
“I sleep better at night knowing I’ve made a little dent in other people’s big problems,” Sharon says.
“You will sleep better at night, too.”

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Creative activities Support culture and art Lifetime achievements Contribution to the dialogue of national culture